Horizon/Danone Update

On December 13, Danone North America announced that they will extend Horizon farmer contracts in the northeast for 18 months, an increase from the 12 months they initially gave the 89 northeast farmers the company is dropping as they cease sourcing milk from the region. Horizon/Danone also committed to providing a small transition payment for the affected dairy farm families, a nominal amount compared to the requests and needs of the group. These minor acquisitions are not enough and don’t come near to fulfilling the needs and demands of producers. We continue to work with affected farmers directly, support the demands of the organic producer group, engage in legislative Task Forces focused on dairy farmer support and revitalization, participate in national and international dairy policy reform, and advocate for systemic changes that support farmers through transition as we adapt to a changing climate and build more resilient food systems. 

Full update from NOFA-VT here, who have been leaders on this issue.

Rural VermontDairy