Small Farm Action Day Series Goes Virtual This Year - Register Today!

Join Rural Vermont, NOFA-VT and Action Circles between February and April for our Small Farm Action Day event series of two subsequent events per month. (NOTE: events are organized as a monthly “set” of one virtual advocacy training event and one meet and greet with legislators. Attendees are strongly encouraged to come to both events within the same month, but it’s not required.) A limited number of farmer stipends are available.

  1. A “Virtual Advocacy Training 4 Farmers” where farmers, farm workers, foodies and activists learn about virtual advocacy, RV and NOFA-VT issues and get to prepare a presentation of their own issues to legislators.

    Dates: Thursday 4/8, 11.30am - 1.30pm

  2. A subsequent “Farmer Meet and Greet with Legislators”  - a lunchtime zoom meeting where participants of the advocacy training get to present their issue to legislators followed by questions, brief discussions and most importantly the ability to advance a cause through relationship building. Anyone is welcome to RSVP for this event to listen in, regardless of a participation at the advocacy training - legislators are highly encouraged to do so!
    Dates: Wednesday 4/14, 10.30am - noon

Learn more and register here!

Rural Vermont